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Therber Brock and Associates have been structuring and marketing financing for units of local government for over 35 years.  We have one simple goal - to provide the best results for an affordable price.  We have been the financial advisor on over 1000 bond issues totaling over 5 billion dollars and have prepared 100's of utility rate studies for municipalities both inside and outside IURC jurisdiction.


We are Financial Advisors for Units of Local Government.
We structure and market bond issues, refund prior bond issues to effect a savings and structure temporary or bridge  financing.  These financings can be either on a competitive or a negotiated basis.


Our financings have included:  Building and Leasing Corporations, General Obligation Bonds, Revenue Bonds, TIF Bonds, State Revolving Loan Fund loans, USDA - Rural Development loans, Judgement Funding Bonds, Tax Anticipation Notes and Common School Fund Loans.


We have been assisting units of local government with their financing needs for over 45 years on over 1000 bond issues totaling over five billion dollars.


We have issued bonds for High Schools, Middle Schools, Elementary Schools, Township Community Buildings, Libraries, Utilities, City Buildings and Garages, Hospitals, Jails, Fire Stations, Dams, Spillways and Parks.


We have issued bonds and prepared utility rate studies for Municipal Water, Sewer, Stormwater and Electric utilities, Regional Water and Sewer utilities, Conservancy District, Public Water Authorities, Not-For-Profit utilities and Investor owned utilities.
We provide assistance with budgeting for new debt service tax rates.


We prepare utility user fee studies and cost of service studies for utilities both inside and outside IURC jurisdiction.





Therber Brock & Associates LLC is registered with the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board as Municipal Advisors.  We are not Placement Agents or Underwriters.  Our advice is based only on what is in the client's best interest and what will provide the best result for our clients.

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