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Municipal Advisory Services - Bond Issues, Refundings, GO Bonds, Revenue Bonds, SRF Loans,

                                                    USDA-RD Loans,  Official Statement Preparation and Verifications


Rate Consulting Services      - Water, Sewer, Stormwater, Electric Utility Rate Studies



Other Financial Services       - Verification Reports, Parity Reports, TIF Feasibility Studies,                                                                   Annexation Studies, Equipment Leasing, Expert Witness                                                                       Testimony, Issue Analysis, Grant Assistance, Contract Negotiation


Municipal Advisory Services involve advising the client on the structure, term and timing of a project financing.  These services include official statement preparation, marketing the bonds, officiating the sale and assisting the attorneys with information for the preparation of the bond and closing documents.


Refunding Services involve analyzing existing bonds to determine if those bonds could be refunded to produce a savings.  These services include estimating the savings, advising the client on the structure, term and timing of the refunding bonds and working with the placement agent or structuring a competitive sale.


Rate Study Services involve preparing a written rate study that determines the revenue requires for the utility in accordance with applicable statutes.  These services include presenting the rate study to the Council, attending the public hearing, drafting sample rate ordinances and assisting the local attorney as necessary.


Verification Services involve verifying the underwriter's numbers in a refunding to prove they are accurate and sufficient funds exist to fund the escrow that will refund the bonds.  These services include preparing a written verification report to be included in the bond transcript.


Annexation Services involve the preparation of an annexation fiscal plan that addresses the statutory requirements for an annexation.  These services include the preparation of a written annexation report, working with the attorney, the surveyor and the client to provide the required information for the report.


Other Services include:

  Parity reports

  Issue analysis

  Expert witness testimony

  Equipment leasing

  TIF feasibility studies

  Year end report assistance

  Budget assistance

  Grant assistance

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